How to Get Small Business Insurance Online

January 09, 2023 | Insurance 101

This article was originally published May 27, 2022

No question about it: Havingsmall business insurance is essential to protecting your business from the many risks—and potential financial burdens—that you face. But it’s also true that obtaining that insurance isn’t a task that anyone really looks forward to!

The good news is that you can tackle this task entirely online at your convenience:

  • Get quotes for the policies you need
  • Make your purchase
  • Report claims
  • Manage your policies

That means you can get the small business coverage you need whenever you have a few minutes available in your schedule—early in the morning, in the evening, or at any time that’s convenient for you. You’ve got a hectic day ahead? No problem. biBERK is “open for business” online around the clock whenever things slow down!

Woman working on laptop

Why Small Business Insurance is Important

Every business faces the risk of lawsuits and liability. A delivery person slips on a wet floor, falls, breaks their wrist, and sues you for the cost of their medical bills and other expenses. You make a mistake in providing professional advice to a client and your error causes them financial damage. Your employee is struck by a heavy box falling off a shelf, suffers a concussion, and is off work for three weeks. 

These scenarios may never happen… or they might occur tomorrow. You just don’t know. Unfortunately, if you don’t have proper coverage in place before they happen, you could be stuck with paying a large sum to resolve them. 

The same is true for losses like damage to your building or leased space, your equipment and inventory, or customer property in your care. 

Plus, in some instances you’re required to have small business insurance. For example, in most cases, companies with employees are required by law to have workers’ compensation insurance. Having insurance may also be a requirement in a space leasing agreement or in a contract you sign with a client or customer. 

In short, there are many reasons why getting proper coverage benefits your business.

What Does Small Business Insurance Cost?

Prudent business owners understand that insurance premiums are a “cost of doing business” and necessary to protect their company. When you consider what it can cost you not to have coverage (going out of business as a result of a costly lawsuit, in some instances), the right policies provide tremendous value at any reasonable rate. 

But you’ll be happy to know that the premium on many types of policies can be as low as a few hundred dollars per year. And that amount can keep you from having to pay a six- or seven-figure court judgment!

Insurance costs vary based on factors like the type of work you do, how many employees you have, and others. But you can determine your small business insurance cost with a fast, free online quote.

Small Business Liability Insurance: Why Online is the Way to Go!

Buying your small business liability insurance online benefits your business in multiple ways, including that:

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    It’s very convenient.Anytime and anywhere that you have access to the internet, you can learn about the different types of insurance policies for different risks (workers’ comp insurance,general liability insurance coverage,commercial auto insurance, etc.) and purchase the coverage you need.
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    You save money. At biBERK, we work directly with you rather than through brokers or middlemen. As a result, we can offer insurance at up to 20% less than other providers.
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    It’s a transparent process and you’re in control.When you buy insurance online, and can manage your policies and report claims online as well, you’re fully in charge of your company’s insurance assets and strategy.

Affordable coverage from an insurance leader like biBERK that you can obtain and manage on your schedule—it’s an approach that’s hard to beat!

Buying Small Business Insurance Online in 3 Easy Steps

All you have to do to get small business insurance form biBERK that provides reassuring financial protection is:

  • Consider your insurance requirements.Where are you vulnerable to business risks, from liability to losses? Do you have employees? Do visitors come to your business location? Do you own equipment or inventory? Does your business use vehicles? Do you have insurance requirements from the state, your landlord, or your clients? We have online tools that prompt you for answers to a few key questions and then recommend the right coverages for your business.
  • Get free, self-service online quotes for the policies you need.Our streamlined quote process guides you every step of the way. But if you have questions or need advice, our licensed insurance experts are happy to answer them.
  • Purchase policies in as little as five minutes.Do all the research you need to do to be sure you’re getting the right policies with the right limits. But once you’re ready, you can make your purchase online with a credit card in minutes with coverage being effective as quickly as the next day in many cases. You can even get Certificates of Insurance (COIs) online.

It’s a surprisingly simple process, and having the right small business insurance provides powerful peace of mind. After making your purchase, you can turn your attention back to your work knowing that biBERK “has your back” and will be there for you should the unexpected happen.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Types of Small Business Insurance

Our licensed insurance experts are always happy to assist you. But below, for your convenience, are answers to some common questions about the types of small business insurance we offer.

What is general liability insurance?

General liability insurance, also called commercial liability insurance, covers damages, legal costs, and medical expenses associated with injury claims from people who don’t work for you (customers, for example), and damage to others’ property caused by your business. It also covers slander, libel, and copyright infringement.

What is workers’ compensation insurance?

This coverage, which is generally required by law if you have employees, protects your business if one of them is injured, gets sick, or dies as a result of an incident on the job. It can help cover medical costs, legal fees, and lost wages. 

What is a business owners policy?

Also known as property & liability insurance, a business owners policy (BOP) combines general liability insurance with protection for your company’s property. It can cover the building you own or space you lease, and other items you own, lease, or have in your care (such as stock or furniture). It also covers business interruption and lost income as the result of property damage, as well as costs you incur to resume business operations after suffering property damage, such as the use of a temporary location.

What is professional liability insurance?

Also called errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, this type of policy can protect you from the cost of damages and legal fees if someone claims you made a mistake in the professional advice you provided or failed to perform a service and, as a result, caused their business financial harm.

What is commercial auto insurance?

This insurance protects the vehicles your business owns or leases, which includes covering liability associated with accidents caused by people driving them. It can cover the cost of damages even if the vehicle is used for personal activities outside of its primary business use.

What is umbrella insurance?

Umbrella insurance can cover costs that exceed the limit of another policy, up to its own limit, so that you aren’t responsible for paying them.

What is cyber insurance?

Cyber insurance is purchased as an add-on to a BOP, general liability, or professional liability policy. It helps cover costs related to situations where a security breach or system hack has resulted in sensitive information being stolen and fraud has occurred or there is a reasonable expectation that it might occur.